12th class statistics chapter 15,Association ,important definitions and short questions,2nd year class statistics

 Here you will see important short   questions and important definitions of chapter 15 Association 

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12th class statistics chapter 15,Association ,important definitions and short questions,2nd year class statistics

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Chapter 15: Association

These are very important   question  according to paper pattern.

Short Questions

 Write short answers to the following questions.
Q.1 Define attribute.
Ans. A characteristic that varies in quality from object to object and cannot numerically measured but only its presence or absence is called attributes.
Q.2 Define variable.
Ans. A characteristic that varies either in quantity or quality from one object to object is called variable.
Q.3 Define class.
Ans. A class is a set of the objects which are sharing a given characteristic.

 Q.4 Explain class frequency.
Ans. A class frequency is the number of observations or objects which are distributed in a class.
Q.5 Discuss dichotomy.
Ans. The process of dividing the objects into two mutually exclusive classes is called dichotomy.
Q.6 Differentiate between positive and negative attributes.
Ans. The presence of attributes in which we are interested is called positive attribute. It is denoted by A, B, C, etc.
The absence of attribute in which we are not interested is called
negative attributes. It is denoted by α, β, etc.
Q.7 Define ultimate class frequencies.
Ans. The class frequencies of highest order are called ultimate classes.
What is meant by association of attributes?
Ans. The strength of relationship between the attributes is called
association and the measure ofDegree of relationship between the
attributes is called co-efficient of association.
Q.8 Define Chi-Square statistic.
Ans. Let i o represent the observed frequencies and expected frequencies then χ2 statistic is define as:
Q.9 Write the two application of 
χ2 test?
Ans. (i) Goodness of fit. 

(ii) Independence of attributes in contingency table.
Q.10 Define independence of attributes.
Ans. There is no association between attributes is known as independence of attributes.
Q.11 Define contingency table.
Ans. A two way table in which the data is classified according to two
attributes each having two or more levels is called contingency table.
Q.12 Explain co-efficient of contingency.
Ans. A measure of degree of association between the attributes expresses in a contingency table is known as co-efficient of contingency. It is
denoted by C.

 Q.13 Define rank correlation.
Ans. The correlation between ranks of individual for both the variables X and Y is called rank correlation. The ranks may be assigned in order from high to low or
vice versa.

Q.14 Define co-efficient of rank correlation.
ANS. The co-efficient of rank correlation is the ordinary coefficient between the two sets of rank. 


Important Notes:

Q = 0 The attributes are independent.
Q = 1 The attributes are completely associated.
Q = -1 The attributes are completely disassociated.
Q > 0 The attributes are positively associated.
Q < 0 The attributes are negatively associated.



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