12th class statistics chapter 11,Sampling Techniques And Sampling Distribution,important definitions and short questions,2nd year class statistics


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12th class statistics chapter 11
Chapter 11: Sampling Techniques And Sampling Distribution

Q.1 Define population.
Ans: Total group under study from which we wish to get the information is called
Q.2 What are basic content of population?
Ans: The basic content of population is content, unit, extent, and time.
Q.3 Who are types of population?
Ans: Population are two types: (1) Finite population (2) Infinite population
Q.4 Explain finite population with examples?
Ans: A population is said to be finite if it includes a limited number of elementary
unit, objects or observations. For example: The height of all first year students in
year 2011,wages of all employees of Jamhoor textile mill in a given year.
Q.5 Explain infinite population with examples?
Ans: A population is said to be finite if it consists of unlimited number of elementary
unit, objects or observations. For example: The weight at birth of all human
being. The results obtained by rolling of a die.

Q.6 Define Sample.
Ans: A part of population representing the qualities of population is called sample.
Q.7 Define Sampling.
Ans: It is a procedure of selecting a representative sample from a given population.

Q.8 What are the basic purposes/objects of sampling?
Ans: There are two basic purposes of sampling: (1) To get maximum information
without examining each sampling unit.(2) To determine the reliability of
Q.9 Distinguish between target and sampled population?
Ans: A population about which conclusion is drawn is known as target population.
A population from which the sample is drawn is called sampled population.
Q.10 Define parameter and statistic.
Ans: Any value calculated from population data is called parameter. Parameters are
denoted by Greek letters
σ2,μ.Parameter is a fixed quantity.
Any value calculated from sample data is called statistic. Statistic’s are denoted
, S2. Statistic is a variable.

Q.11 Define Sampling frame.
Ans: A sampling frame is a complete list of the sampling units. For example, a
complete list of all the students in a college on 15 September 2011, is the frame.
Q.12 Define sampling unit.
Ans: The basic units of population is called sampling units.
Q.13 Define Sampling Design.
 Ans: It is a procedure or plan for obtaining a sample from a given population .
Q.14 What is difference between survey and sample survey?
Ans: The collection of detailed information is known as survey. When a survey is
carried out by a sampling design, it is called a sample survey.
Q.15 Define sampling with replacement and without replacement.
Ans: Sampling is called with replacement when a unit selected at random from a
population is returned to the population before selecting the next unit.
Sampling is called without replacement when a unit selected at random from a
population is not returned to the population before selecting the next unit.
Q.16 Why we do sampling?
Ans: We do sampling to minimize cost, time and effort. Also to find the reliability of
estimates derived from the sample.
Q.17 What are the advantages of sampling over census?
Ans: The advantages of sampling are time saving, accuracy and less expenses over
Q.18 Explain limitation of sampling.
Ans: If the basic facts of each and every unit in the population are needed, then census
would be preferred as sample will not meet such a requirement.
Q.19 Give two examples of limitation of sampling.
Ans: (1) The list of voters (2) Student examination
Q.20 Does sampling provide accuracy?
Ans: The results provided by sampling survey are almost as accurate as those obtained
by complete census.
Q.21 Define sampling error.
Ans: The difference between the statistic and parameter is called sampling error.
Sampling error =

Q.22 How sampling error can be reduced?
Ans: Sampling error can be reduced by:
(1) Increasing the sample size
(2) Improving the sample design
(3) By using stratification
Q.23 Define non sampling error.
Ans: The errors which occur at the stages of gathering, arranging and analyzing the
data are called non sampling error. For example (i) human error (ii) errors of
measurement etc.
Q.24 How non sampling error can be reduced?
Ans: Non sampling error can be reduced by:
(1) Improving the method of selection.
(2) Proper training of the investigators.
(3) Consulting the experts to analyze the data.

Q.25 How many types of sample designs are available?
Ans: Two types are: (i) Probability sampling and (ii) Non Probability sampling
Q.26 What is Probability sampling?
Ans: A Probability sampling is a process in which the sample is selected in such a
way that every element of a population has a non zero probability of being
included in the sample.
Q.27 What is non probability sampling?
Ans: It is a procedure in which we cannot assign to an element of population the
probability of its being included in the sample. For example a wheat dealer forms
his opinion about sackful of wheat by examining just a few grains.

Q.28 Describe advantages of probability sampling.
Ans: It provides a measure of precision of the estimates by eliminating personal
judgment factor or discretion in the choice of items by the investigator.
Q.29 Why random sampling is used?
Ans: Random sampling is used to:
(i) Eliminate bias.
(ii) Provide basis for statistical inference.
Q.30 What is bias?
Ans: Difference between expected value of an estimator and true value of the
parameter is called bias.
Bias = E(
Θ)-Θ, Where E is an estimator and Θis true parameter.
Q.31 What is precision and accuracy?
Ans: A measurement (or in our case, the estimate from a survey) is precise if it obtains
similar results with repeated measurement (or repeated surveys). A measurement
is accurate if it is close to the truth with repeated measurement (or repeated
Q.32 What is simple random sampling?
Ans: It is procedure of selecting a sample of n units from the population of “N” units
such that (i) Every unit available for sampling has an equal probability of being
drawn.(ii) Every sample of size “n” has the same probability of being selected.
Q.33 When the simple random sampling is most beneficial?
Ans: For small population where the elements are easily identifiable and accessible,
simple random sampling may be easy to apply.
Q.34 Give selection method for simple random sampling.
Ans: Three mostly used methods for selecting sample are (i) Lottery method (Gold
Fish Bowel Method (ii) Using random digits table. And (iii) Computer.
Q.35 What is sampling distribution?
Ans: The arrangement of all possible values of sample statistic with their probabilities
is called sampling distribution of statistic.
Q.36 Define Standard error.
Ans: The standard deviation of sampling distribution of any statistic is called standard
Q.37 Define sampling distribution of means.
Ans: The arrangement of all possible values of sample means with their probabilities
is called sampling distribution of means.

Q.38 What are properties of sampling distribution of means?
Ans: Properties of sampling distribution of sample means are:

(iii) If the population is normal then the shape of sampling distribution of means
will be normal.
Q.39 Define the sampling distribution of sample proportion?
Ans: The arrangement of all possible values of sample proportions with their
probabilities is called sampling distribution of proportions.
Q.40 Define Stratified random sample.
Ans: If the elements of the population are not homogenous, then the population is
divided into non overlapping homogenous subgroups called strata, and sample is
drawn separately from each stratum by simple random sampling method.
Q.41 What is the practical use of standard error?
Ans: Standard error measure the dispersion of the values of statistic that might be
computed from all possible samples.
Q.42 What is correction factor?
Ans:The factor is called finite population correction factor for variance.
Q.43 When fcf is used?
Ans:The finite population correction factoris used to estimate standard error
of X when sampling is done without replacement.
Q.44 Write the equation of sampling distribution for standardized sampling error.
Ans: The equation of sampling distribution for standardized sampling error is:
Q.45 Define sampling distribution of sample variance.
Ans: The sampling distribution of sample variance S2 is the probability distribution of
variance obtained from all possible sample random samples of “n” observation
that can be drawn from population with variance

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